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Tom Rodman - 04-25-2009
The reunion website is so great. I have gotten to reconnect with so many friends from school. I also visited The Viet Name Monument in Washington, DC, and touched Errick Fisher's name on The Wall. It brought tears to my eyes when I remembered how short his life was, but it also made me laugh when I think how much trouble we gave Mrs. Moore's Science class in 8th grade. Thanks to everyone working on the site. Bob White - 04-19-2009
If you still live in Tulsa and want to hear a great Beatles band, try to catch Bradio. They sometimes play at the Sunset Grill. It is the smaller version of the Brady Orchestra (Peter Mayo's band). charlie willis - 04-16-2009
I made the ten year reunion but have missed the last two. Look forward to seeing everyone again. Also a big thanks and job well done to the committee!! ken petta - 04-03-2009
don't worry alan, we're not getting older. mind over matter. ok i gotta relieve this event. 4th yr latin class with Ms. notley out back near the smoking district. Earl Peeples and Kent Curtis decided one day they had had too much
latin and so they took the book away from Ms. notley and said they had enough for the day. Ms. Notley still trying to maintain decorum told us that we would
still be responsible for tomorrow's lesson. So several classmates drove off to
get the party supplies and we enjoyed the duration of class. As to why we
endured 4th year of anything, we were assured of an A by Ms. notley if we
agreed to enroll for that yr. hilarious, made the transcript look better! Now
we need some Dobe comments cause he was worthy of such. I have asked
David hall to put in his two cents. I still need to know what i missed by not
taking calculus!!!!! Alan Morrow - 04-02-2009
How did we get so old? Sounds like a great time folks. I plan on partying like it's 1969. ken petta - 04-01-2009
I forgot to include this tidbit. To this very day, I still remember 10th grade
honor's english class with Ms. Brazinski, very much the highbrow. Anyway I
was always anti to her agenda as I thought she perpetrated too much reading.
Probably that first week I got on her%$#@*&%list, destined to c-hood or worse.
She asked each of us what we had read that summer and when she got to me
I proudly told her how many Hardy Boy books I'd breezed thru. I think I was
demoted to the regular english soon thereafter. and I think that was a good
thing in retrospect. Regular minds have more fun!! Ken Petta - 03-31-2009
I took it upon myself to organize something for this yr but found that frank
beat me to the punch. don't waste ur money on classmates.com since they're
convenient but overpriced. I'm here in east texas, tyler, or I could say troup
but nobody's probably heard of that. it used to be on the whistle route (train).
I'm a big supporter of OU where I got my degree to dispense drugs. I was going
to be a vet at OSU but all that went south so to speak. I now work the night
shift at walgreens-palestine (home of 1 Adrian peterson) call me on my cell before u overmedicate. I plan on throwing a preparty for the reunion committee probably two weeks before the event down on peoria not far from
pennington's. Lets find those lost comrades. We know ur out there. One other
thing: BEAT MEMORIAL and WE'LL MEET AT THE ADMIRAL TWIN Sally Martin Baynton - 03-27-2009
I can't wait to see everyone! Besides, any chance I get to come back to Tulsa to see Katy is a treat. Way to go Reunion Team...you all 'rock.' Bill Meyer - 03-23-2009
Many thanks to the committee for what I'm sure will be a job well done. Look forward to seeing some old friends. Linda Wise Sandberg - 03-23-2009
Hello everyone, This is so exciting! Can't wait to see you all. I am hoping my husband, Jon, can make it, but might have to come without him. Thanks to all who are working so hard to make this happen. Wow! the music is taking me back! Love to all, Linda Claire Turner - 03-17-2009
This will be my first reunion and I am so looking forward to it. Blink .... 40 years!
A huge THANK YOU for the committee for putting it all together, including this great website. Debbie Combs - 03-14-2009
Plans have changed. I am delighted about attending a family wedding but it turns out to be the same weekend! While I would love to be in two places at once, I will, sadly, not be able to attend the reunion after all. But for those of you going, I hope you will have a great time together. Hello to those who remember me and best wishes to you all. Janie Sanditen Kolman - 03-13-2009
This is all so amazing. The year book pages and all. I went to Holland Hall but seeing pictures of Tony Mirkin, Jodie Manes, Nancy Cohen Polischek, Steve Cohen and Ann Paterson brought me such sadness. You guys live it for good old Tulsa Times! Tim Shields - 03-12-2009
Amazing, have you looked at the missing list. How do you lose 500 people? I guess the same way you blink a couple of times and it is 40 years later. Bruce Wilson - 03-08-2009
Wow. 40 years. My first wife enjoyed the 10th. My second wife enjoyed the 20th. My third wife enjoyed the 30th. I am happy to report that my third wife will also be at the 40th reunion. Third times the charm. Look forward to seeing everyone.
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